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Survivors of domestic violence face serious challenges. Many struggle to find a safe place to live and put food on the table. Others struggle to find and hold a job. Protecting one’s money and other assets can also be a challenge. The Allstate Foundation Moving Ahead Curriculum can help. Domestic violence survivors deserve access to the resources they need. They deserve housing, jobs and economic resources for their families. This is true whether they leave abusive relationships or remain in them. Every story and strategy in this curriculum is designed to help survivors overcome the challenges they will meet. It explores many of the choices that may present themselves. It also identifies community resources to help survivors build financially independent lives.
Below you will find the Allstate Foundation Moving Ahead Curriculum, please download the PDF and read the entirety of the document. Next you can download your personal Certificate of Completion for taking the Allstate course. Please call 218-547-1636 for additional financial empowerment questions, resources or information, and congratulations on being on your road to financial freedom. We are proud of you!
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